This speaks from a Do Good Paradigm rather Regenerative. The difference is between generic. Regeneration is always specific o a Place, Person, and therefore Process. These are generic ideas. If you start with a Place you find a several specific and concrete.No one idea works for all business; they become abstract. This is the major error in thinking acting as though about regeneration. Regeneration is always about a specific whole, with specific Essence which we regenerate from. There are NO universal principle. My Mohawk grandfather stress this error in premises. Each life shed needs a different way of work based on understandings it Essence. Colonist tried to make the same. Now they are trying to make some of undersell answer for everything. That is what kills each Place and Person's finding it Essence. You cannot certify, categories, or create common answers. Start with one of one, and reveal what regenerates it or we just repeat the process that got us here. I have many medium articles on generalizing regeneration. most miss this core point and thus misrepresent Regeneration.