Member-only story
7 Laws of Degeneration
# 6 Scaling is growth by expansion; NODAL is growth by evolution
I am repeatedly asked about how I plan to scale my regeneration work and told how important it is to do so. The combination of this question and comment demonstrates how far off-course people have become with the popularization of Regeneration. The intention is good, but the paradigm is wrong leading to more degeneration. Regeneration does not spread or become internalized well when conceived of from an expansion growth mindset as has been proven by the scaling of commercial farming, mandated public education or ideation of best practices. Scaling is based on a degenerative paradigm and lead to the mess that we are in. And as Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Regeneration can only be understood, at the level we need to understand, through an oral, developmental, tradition or otherwise it becomes demeaned and banalized, losing the force we hoped for. Otherwise it is transferred shallowly and frozen through a non-regenerative epistemology, a mechanical authoritative-other sourced knowledge. We give predigested soundbites, thinking it is important to spread to everyone as fast as possible. It is not engaged from the essence of the philosophy and cannot be internalized and regenerated for each place and time. Further, we do so with the assumption that there is a list of practices that are somehow known among some set of experts. Experts, who are mostly self-proclaimed and never experienced the process in their own…